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作者 Changwang 浏览 发布时间 2011-11-20

        波纹补偿器的主要弹性元件为不锈钢波纹管,依靠波纹管伸缩、弯曲来对管道进行轴向、横向、角向补偿。其作用可以起到: 1.补偿吸收管道轴向、横向、角向热变形。2.吸收设备振动,减少设备振动对管道的影响。3.吸收地震、地陷对管道的变形量。

        The ripple compensator's main elastic components for stainless steel bellows, bellows expansion, bent on to the line, lateral and axial Angle to the compensation. Its role can rise to: 1. Compensation absorb piping axial, lateral and Angle to the thermal deformation. 2. The absorption equipment vibration, reducing equipment vibration on the influence of the pipeline. 3. Absorption earthquake, subsidence of pipeline deformation.
        Compensator according to whether can absorb piping within the medium pressure the pressure produced thrust (closure force), can be divided into no constraint corrugated tube compensator and constraint compensator; According to the displacement of the bellows type, can be divided into axial type compensator, horizontal type compensator, Angle to the type compensator and pressure balance type corrugating tube compensator.


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本站关键词:补偿器 波纹补偿器 波纹管补偿器 非金属补偿器 不锈钢补偿器 金属补偿器 直埋波纹补偿器 通用型补偿器 烟风道织物补偿器 球型补偿器 套管式补偿器 无约束波纹补偿器 不锈钢波纹管补偿器 补偿器厂家 波纹补偿器价格 轴向型波纹补偿器 管道补偿器 矩形波纹补偿器 直埋式套筒补偿器