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作者 Changwang 浏览 发布时间 2011-11-20


      Compensator in before installation should check the type, specification and pipe configuration, must comply with the design requirements. With the sleeve to within compensator should pay attention to in the direction of the cheese to set with medium flow direction, the hinge of the compensator type its hinges plane should be consistent with displacement turn plane. Need to "cold tight" of the compensator, the deformation of the auxiliary components used on pipeline should be installed after the rear can be removed. It is strictly prohibited to use the ripple compensator deformation methods to adjust the piping installation ultra poor, so as not to affect the normal function of the compensator, reduce the service life and increase the tube system, equipment, supporting the components to load.
      The installation process, not allowed to wave welding slag splashing shell surface, do not allo


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